Friday, August 9, 2013

Spanish in da kitchen - cooking vol3

Spanish cooking was exactly like Spanish people - emotional, passionate, rich in variations, complicated and slow (in the meaning of taking their time)...and full of eggs! They used 50 eggs to cook lunch and dinner.

Well, Albert and Cristina wanted so much to show their food culture that they wanted to prepare many things  - tortilla and pasta salad for lunch and gazpacho and egg-cake and sangria! for dinner.
Their cooking started already an evening before because the special egg-cake (don't remember the name) had to be 24 hours in cold before. Through all the cooking they were consulting with Albert's father and with each other, loudly, nervously but still very friendly at the same time. It was fun to watch them...passionate and emotional about what they were doing. Albert said that cooking relaxes him, he likes cooking. And I'm sure he told the absolute truth, he looked very happy and concentrated while cooking.
This them turning successfully over one tortilla, the excitement is totally visible:

Didn't like doing dishes though and partly because of that there was another short drama in the evening between my sister and Albert....After doing most of the dishes after dinner, some were still next to the sink on the ground and some on the table. Cristina was in her phone as usual and Albert wanted to go to shower. My sister Anu also wanted to go to shower and it happened that she went just before Albert who saw my sister going towards sauna and started to run. Then my sister also started to run and managed to get to sauna first and closed the door and hold the door having an argument through the door with Albert while he tried to open the door from the other side. Albert: "I was the next to go to shower!" Anu: "You have still unwashed dishes in the kitchen!" Albert: " No, I don't!" Anu: "Yes, you do!" Albert: "No, I don't!" Anu: "Yes, you do!"

Then Albert gave up and the part I heard from this drama was Albert explaining the story to Cristina very loudly, speaking very fast in spanish, so the only words I understood were dush (shower) and puta (swear word in Spanish) The next thing happening was that Siiri decided to wash the leftover dishes and Anu came back from sauna. And there was another emotional discussion between Anu and Albert - "Why Siiri is doing your dishes?" "No, she isn't!" " Yes, she is!" "No, she isn't" You are like 15-year old boy! " You are like 12-year old girl!" Albert was obviously in denial about dirty dishes and Anu was obviously upset about it. Mostly because all others had done their duty...when you are in cooking team, you wash the dishes also. Maybe a bit demotivating as the Italian Daniele said to me when it was their cooking time but that is how we agreed in the beginning. But this evening was the start of tension between Anu and Albert.
But the Spanish cooked again and very delicious things, one of their cooking that took 2,5 hours instead of the 40 minutes Albert first said it will take, was the chocolate cake with berries:

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